Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I hate buying textbooks.

So I usually don't.

Of course, this often results in not-so-spectacular grades. Therefore, this semester I have carried out my vow to purchase all necessary texts, bringing the grand total thus far to just over $275. That isn't so bad, I know. However, I am taking a photography class for which I have not yet bought anything. That one will surely break the bank.

I lost a textbook today, also, which sucks greatly. I had carried around my old "Art Through the Ages" thinking I could cram a bit before my Art History quiz, but it turns out it was the wrong volume anyway. Then I left the book under my seat. I went back a few hours later, but of course it was gone. Those things are hot commodities at college. Ah well. Someone will get use out of it.

Anyway, so the quiz was on stuff I hadn't studied, as I was up late last night writing about menstrual imagery for my fem-lit class (not my idea.) I promptly received an email from my professor:

"Dear Student,

I'm writing to let you know that you did very poorly on the ARH 306 quiz and gave only minimal evidence of being familiar with material from ARH 101, a prerequisite for this course. Under the circumstances you will find it difficult to do well in ARH 306. I am willing to permit you to remain in the class but please be aware that you will have to work extra hard to pass the course. If you are unable to put in the necessary time and energy, please swap with another course.



Well, isn't that lovely.

Actually, you know what. I can't be sarcastic here. I am actually pretty upset by the tone of this.. this..form letter, for chrissake. I did "very poorly." There were five questions on the quiz. I will "have to work extra hard to pass the course." Yes, I am fully prepared to immediately increase my study-time. Actually, screw that - I will quit my job. Yes. It's clear now. I know what I have to do.

She also wants us to buy like, eight books. Are you fucking kidding me? Sorry, lady, but I have other classes too. One of them involves cameras. I can afford one, maybe two, of those books.
Maybe that's why I did very poorly.


Saturday, January 26, 2008


I got these really nifty new glasses. They're brown, with little clear wing kinda things on the front. The brand is Soaring Horse. I had to make that italicized, a name like that.

I spent $450. That's a lot of money for little glass ovals, a bit of plastic, and some wee screws. I hope I don't sit on them or break them playing this game with imaginary guns like I did two pairs ago. Supposedly they make me look more "assertive," according to my mom. My dad, however, seems to think that women always look worse in glasses, stating, "Well, they're not exactly a guy magnet." Hmm. I like them. I don't care.

I will put pictures of stuff on this blog eventually. Eventually is whenever my sister returns my digicam or it comes out from hiding.

Since this post is obviously an unorganized cornucopia of musings, I thought I'd make a list of stuff that's been on my mind recently, in no particular order:

  • I can't fucking believe Heath Ledger is dead. He wasn't my favorite actor or anything, but wow did the news take me by surprise. I had a similar reaction when Anna Nicole died, and Aaliyah. It just seems..not true.
  • I can't watch a movie with excessive smoking without getting an intense hankering for a cig. The culprit was Factory Girl this time. Also: Hayden Christensen is hot.
  • I've been seeing a lot out there that glorifies prostitution. I am a daily reader of Confessions of a College Call Girl, and I really enjoy the British show Secret Diary of a London Call Girl. I don't know what I really about it, but it certainly is er, interesting. If graphic design fails..
  • Waiting to be inspired. I am constantly amazed by the artwork I see and read about. In a way everything's been done already, like any art person will tell you, but it really hasn't. There are so many creative ideas brought to life every day and it never ceases to amaze me. I'm waiting for mine.

  • I ate too may Goldfish, apparently. My head is getting clouded. That's all for now.

    Hello blog.

    This is a new blog. I am going to write in it.

    I saw The Bucket List (for free!) and undoubtedly like many others, immediately went home and made a list of things I want to accomplish. The list doesn't have a deadline, like my freshman year "List of Shit I Have to Do Before I Finish Freshman Year," or my quarterly-annual "need to be more proactive" Livejournal posts. It just has things on it.

    I am interested, - possibly studying even - graphic design. I say "possibly studying even," because my school does not have a design program. I have created my own, and in doing so I am fully convinced that I will eventually be working at a lavish firm or even better, freelancing at my own studio in SoHo. Neither are likely, but a girl needs to dream.

    Someone (you'll hear a bit more about him later) suggested I make a blog a while back for design folk-networking, or something. I don't know about that.

    I would like to post my design stuff here. Probably. Maybe not.
    Mostly I am just going to write things.

    But now, I am going to eat some mushrooms.